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New Moon in Pisces: Reconnecting with your Inner Goddess

Today we have a mystical New Moon in Pisces. This etherial energy blurs the boundaries between dimensions, offering us the potent opportunity to merge with the realm of Spirit and tap into the quantum field of creation and infinite potential. Over the past few weeks of Pisces season, I have felt called to reconnect with the energy of the Goddess (some also refer to this energy as the Divine Feminine). She is the raw power of beauty, of knowingness, of intuition that lives within us all. Many of us, in particular women, have become disconnected from our inner Goddess through trauma. We unconsciously shut out her wisdom and separate from her essence in order to find safety and belonging through our external world. We are taught that success comes in “doing” and forget that our core power as infinite creators lies within the energy of “being”.

I separated myself from my inner Goddess at an early age when I adapted the survival mechanism of people pleasing. Saying “no” to people created massive anxiety, triggering a profound fear of rejection and abandonment. I rarely voiced my needs, prioritizing instead the wishes of those around me. I was overly sensitive to the opinions of others, incredibly hard on myself and gave my time and energy to people and relationships that perpetuated the cycle of disassociating me from my power. I continually looked to outside sources for answers and experienced anxiety over making most decisions, not trusting in myself or my inner knowing to navigate challenges.

 The journey of reconnecting with my inner Goddess was a process of excavation. It required me spending a great deal of time alone to recognize and remember my authentic voice. I dug deep, going within to find my inner truth and essence, untangling myself from the labels I had assimilated through the perceptions and projections of others. My inner Goddess wasn’t the teacher, the perfect daughter, the good girl, the one who made everyone happy. Instead, her essence was found in my younger self, the little girl with the vivid imagination who would jump down the stairs as an experiment to see if she could fly. She was found within my inner child who couldn’t contain her excitement when given a decadent piece of chocolate cake. She embodies the essence of my six year old self who experienced wonder and awe when she played a violin for the first time. She lives within the little Sarah who found contentment and joy in feeling the pigeons and squirrels in the park. The energy of my Goddess lay in the child who loved to color, to play games, to dress up as a princess or sorceress every Halloween and wear flowy dresses.

 Healing the relationship with my own inner Goddess brought me back into my sovereignty, uniting me with my deepest magic and medicine. When you choose to welcome her in, she illuminates the gifts that you bring to the world. The Goddess invites in peace through stillness. She reconnects you back to your core essence of love. She gently shows you that it is safe to dream, to create, to receive. Your Goddess holds the key to bringing magic and miracles into your life. She is the frequency of trust, of awareness, of truth. Welcome her in and she will guide you towards embracing your greatest dreams, your path and your infinite potential.

 Over this New Moon, I encourage you to connect in whatever way resonates with your Inner Goddess. Take some time to pause, to breathe, to welcome in her essence. Write her a love letter or create an altar with an offering in her honor. Buy her flowers, chocolate or a special indulgent treat to align your frequency with the energy of receiving. Allow your imagination to flow and remember the most beautiful and abundant dreams that you’ve had for your life, the vision that your Goddess is ready to create.

 The Goddess lives within you. She exists in your reflection. How will you welcome her back home?

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