There is an energy of contemplation and renewal in the air as we move through winter and the final days of 2024. According to the Wheel of the Year we now sit between Yule and Imbolc, a time that invites us into stillness. This is a moment to go inwards, connect with the darkness and consider what creation is taking seed within us. The calendar year ends with a new moon in Capricorn, bringing in clarity and insights around our long-term vision along with the structure needed to achieve our deepest dreams.
2025 promises to be a year of significant change. It is a 9 year in numerology, highlighting completion, transformation and stepping into our purpose. There will be many major shifts astrologically, with all of the outer planets along with the nodes of fate changing signs. As we prepare to move through a powerful portal of evolution and growth, here are a few soulful rituals to guide you in welcoming this next chapter forward with clarity and focused intention.
1) Clear and Cleanse your space
Your physical space is an extension of your energetic body. Clearing out items that you no longer use helps to remove stagnant energy, allowing for greater clarity of mind and creating space for new energy to flow through. You can make this a sacred practice by offering gratitude to the objects that no longer resonate and donating or recycling them. After decluttering your space, follow with a cleansing ritual: burning herbs such as palo santo or sage, playing sound bowls or creating a homemade spray with herbs such as rosemary, rose and lavender are some examples of ways to cleanse your space. When you finish, give an offering to your space such as a new plant or a few crystals: this is a beautiful way to welcome in fresh energy.
2) Reflect and Release
The new moon’s ruler Saturn brings in the sacred gift of wisdom. This is a potent time to reflect upon your life experiences of 2024 and the lessons they have brought. How have you evolved and grown? What wisdom are you now embodying that has helped you step into and own your power? Consider working in ceremony with one of the goddess archetypes representing the wisdom keeper such as Sophia, Athena or Ma’at to go deeper into this energy.
Afterwards, write down everything you are releasing as we move into 2025. This could be limiting beliefs, relationships, emotions or anything that you feel has kept you stuck. You can follow with a burning ritual where you work with the element of fire, lighting a black candle (for clearing and protection) and allowing it to burn the paper and cleanse any stagnant energy. Release the ashes into the earth with gratitude.
3) Get Dreamy, Capricorn style
We are in a potent time of year for connecting to our inner knowing and awakening the dreams stirring within. Light a candle, grab your favorite journal, a mug of hot tea or other nourishing drink and write down your visions for 2025. What is your soul longing to create? How would it feel to achieve this dream? Next record one action step that you can implement daily to move the needle towards your vision. Plan to reassess in six months how that vision is unfolding when we arrive at the full moon in Capricorn.
As we prepare to step into the transformational energy of 2025, allow yourself time for a sacred pause to reflect on the year that was, realize what is coming to completion and anchor into your soul’s greater vision. What sacred rituals can you create to help you navigate this transition with ease and flow?