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Finding Soul Home

Did you know that each place in the world carries a distinct energy grid? When you travel, you’ll naturally be attracted to certain places. Some will feel good and things will flow more easily, whereas others will inspire lessons, conflict and change. Astrology takes this concept a step further: a process called Astrocartography identifies where your planetary lines run throughout the world. For example, a country aligning with your Sun line is auspicious for new beginnings, whereas a country connecting to your Pluto line will produce intense and potentially challenging experiences of transformation and change. Each place that you travel to serves as a mirror, reflecting back the lessons that your soul is seeking to learn in that moment.

Paris is a city that has played an influential role throughout my life. It holds the memories of my mother, a former French professor, and our summers there together when she directed a French program for foreigners. Paris is where I experienced karmic relationships and went to heal after my father passed away. It inspired a passion for pastries and art, feeding my Libra soul with its culture of elegance, refinement and beauty. In Astrology my Black Lilith, Goddess of the raw feminine power that we hold in secret, runs through Paris. It is a city that has helped me to face my shadow and discover my deepest power within. Paris speaks to my soul, calling me back time and time again: even while living in China, I found a way to return each year up until the pandemic.

 Last week I traveled to Paris after a four-year hiatus, the longest amount of time that I’ve ever spent away from this city. Paris welcomed me back like an old friend, rekindling the flame of joy, pleasure and creation that had dimmed after a challenging two years of life events. Yet this experience was different. I found myself simultaneously energized yet struggling to keep up with the pace of such a vivacious city. I had moments of being overwhelmed by the amount of people, while my body, fresh off a one-month liver cleanse, was equally overwhelmed by the massive amounts of pastries, croissants and cheese that I consumed throughout each day. I had trouble finding stillness and meditating, constantly feeling the urge to move, to explore, to experience. FOMO (fear of missing out) was omnipresent, reminding me that I only had a short week to take it all in.

 My most peaceful moment in Paris came when I discovered a spiritual shop “Les mists-terre d’Avalon”. Upstairs was a meditation room full of altars, goddess statues, candles and oracle cards-basically everything that calls to me and brings me back to center when my overactive Libra mind takes over. I came back to the shop the next day for the sole purpose of meditating in that room, seeking to regain balance, and realized that after four years away something had changed. I had changed. In my 20’s and 30’s I revealed in the sensory experience that was Paris: it mirrored perfectly the constant raging thoughts in my mind. However, at this point in my life I’ve come to desire more peace, more presence and stillness. As such, for the first time I had to acknowledge that the energy of Paris no longer felt completely aligned. I innately knew that Paris would continue to be a part of my life, that somehow my work is meant to come full circle in service to this city, an exchange for the beautiful memories and healing it has inspired during my own journey. Yet the desire to live in Paris, to create a life there, something I had so adamantly coveted for most of my life, was gone. I still felt called to France, a knowing that my path will lead me back when it is time for my soul to return home. Yet I also knew that my soul home will be a calmer place with a different energy, somewhere that I can be more easily in communion with nature and Spirit. Perhaps this realization in itself is a reflection of how I have grown, evolved and shifted, turning the page into a new chapter of my own life.

 As we move through Cancer season, I encourage you to consider where in the world your soul feels most nourished and at home. Is there a place or country that has been calling you, without knowing why? What characteristics does it hold and what lessons does it mirror back into your own life?

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